A showcase of the 3D rasteriser

My Journey into learning Direct3D 11

This is journal noting down the topics I had to cover through my deep dive into D3D11. Rendering Triangles through rasterization: Knowledge about the rendering pipeline process where triangles are converted into pixels on the screen by the graphics processing unit (GPU) through a technique called rasterization. Model loading with normals: How to load 3D models into the graphics memory of the GPU and incorporate normal vectors for lighting calculations....

July 12, 2022 · 2 min · Siddharth Chillale

Ray Tracing in One Weekend

My understanding from Ray Tracing in One Weekend.

July 2, 2022 · 8 min · Siddharth Chillale

Ray Tracing: The Next Week

My understanding from Ray Tracing: The Next Week.

July 2, 2022 · 4 min · Siddharth Chillale

PathTracer: Global Illumination

A pathtracing course project.

February 5, 2022 · 5 min · Siddharth Chillale

Miscellaneous Projects that get thrown under the rug

“NIPS Papers Analysis” Description- Discovering the hottest topics in machine learning by analysing NIPS papers using NLP libraries in python. Github Link - SiddharthChillale/NIPS-papers-analyses “Risk and Returns: The Sharpe Ratio” Description - Studying Sharpe ratio for understanding Risk and Return for Amazon and Facebook stocks through the Fiscal Year 2016. Kaggle Link - siddalore/sharpe-ratio-study “Courier Management system” Description - Built a courier managements system web application in Flask and database hosted with SQLite, Handled the Model and View of the app with database implementation....

November 22, 2020 · 1 min · Siddharth Chillale
Artist impression of coronavirus

Corona Dashboard devlog

Ay ! I developed a COVID-19 dashboard.

April 10, 2020 · 4 min · Siddharth