LinkedIn Tips

Summary :

  • Market yourself with your elevator pitch
  • Optimise LinkedIn profile components (summary and accomplishments)
  • Describe effectively your work experience and projects
  • Create connections
  • participate in the content
  • Your Aim — Raise visibilty

Important Points

  • Write a polite and short introduction
Hi ___<insert name here>,
I am Siddharth, a student pursuing Masters in computer science at University at Buffalo.
I would love to hear more about your work at  ___<insert their jobs here>.
Would you be able to connect for a quick chat ?
Thank you for your time !

A LinkedIn summary is your elevator pitch about yourself.

“Example summary”

I’m a student pursing Masters in Computer Science at University at Buffalo, NY. My latest web app project is a dashboard ruuning data analysis and showcasing affected numbers during the COVID-19 crisis. Apart from my academics, I’m working on helping with the COVID research by running models on the gathered data.

In my free time, I continue improving my skills by applying my knowledge contesting in Kaggle competitions.

Skills: Analysing Patterns in Data, Python, SQL/Bigquery.

Work Experiences

Order of events matters

Should have atmost 3 bullet points expressing what you’ve done.

  • At least 1 chould demonstrate individual contribution.

  • At least 1 should communicate project result (with metrics, findings, etc)

  • Include relevant experience only

  • Get more Connections

    • Get 500+ connections
    • Join groups
    • Don’t bring your ego in the middle.
  • Engage with LinkedIn content

    • like, share and post stuff
    • Give recommendations and endorse people

Informational Interview

Questions for asking a new connection -

  • What are some interesting aspects of your job?
  • Any advice for someone looking to enter the field?
  • How relevant was your education in getting this job?
  • What other careers did you consider?
  • How do you approach professional development in this field?
  • What are you doing to keep your skills up-to-date?
  • What do you wish you knew before you entered this field?

Finally, make it a goal to leave a positive impression. Even if your new contact isn’t able to directly help you advance in your job search right now, you never know when they may think of you for a future opportunity.